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The Concise Kachel de Normand Chaurette,Linda Gaboriau

Descripción - Críticas Praise for Normand Chaurette's 'The Queens: 'Metaphysical playwriting of a literary richness which has yet to find its equal in Quebec drama.' --'Le Devoir Praise for Normand Chaurette's The Queens 'Metaphysical playwriting of a literary richness which has yet to find its equal in Quebec drama.' -- Le Devoir Praise for Normand Chaurette's 'The Queens' 'Metaphysical playwriting of a literary richness which has yet to find its equal in Quebec drama.' --'Le Devoir''The situation and dialogue are intriguing ... The play may be difficult, but Chaurette's unnerving climax should lead to heated and extended discussions in the lobby after the play is over.'-- Stage Directions Reseña del editor It's All Hallows' Eve, and the Motherwell sisters, Lili and Cecile, have invited their musicologist patrons, the Brunswick sisters, to attend them on this crucial day. All their lives, Lili and Cecile have practiced on their pianos, to the exclusion of everything else. Their interpretations of Mozart, as the impresario Mendel says, are 'too impeccable, too irreproachable,' there is 'too much politeness, too much purity, not enough passion.'They wish to discuss something hidden in their basement-someone has strayed from their score, someone has improvised, the hands of the clock need to be turned back. Biografía del autor An award-winning dramatist and a respected translator, Normand Chaurette has written over fourteen plays, of which Le Petit Köchel is one of the best known. Le Petit Köchel won the Governor General's Award for French Theatre in 2001.Linda Gaboriau has been active in Canadian and Quebecois theater for over twenty years as a critic, journalist, broadcaster, and consultant. An award-winning dramatist and a respected translator, Normand Chaurette has written over fourteen plays, of which Le Petit Köchel is one of the best known. Le Petit Köchel won the Governor General's Award for French Theatre in 2001.Linda Gaboriau has been active in Canadian and Quebecois theater for over twenty years as a critic, journalist, broadcaster, and consultant.Normand ChauretteNormand Chaurette was born in Montreal in 1954. His published plays include: Rêve d’une nuit d’hôpital;Provincetown Playhouse, juillet 1919, j’avais 19 ans; Fêtes d’autome;La Société de Métis; and The Queens (Talonbooks 1998). Fragments of a Farewell Letter Read by Geologists (Talonbooks 1998) was nominated for a Governor General’s Award in 1987 and won the Prix de l’Association québécoise des critiques de théâtre for Best Play Produced in 1988. His novel, Scènes d’enfants, was nominated for a 1989 Governor General’s Award. His most recent play, available from Talonbooks, isAll the Verdis of Venice (2000).Linda GaboriauLinda Gaboriau is an award-winning literary translator based in Montreal. Her translations of plays by Quebec’s most prominent playwrights have been published and ­produced across Canada and abroad. In her work as a ­literary manager and dramaturge, she has directed ­numerous translation residencies and international exchange projects. She was the founding director of the Banff International Literary Translation Centre. Most recently she won the 2010 Governor General’s Award forForests, her translation of the play by Wajdi Mouawad.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: The Concise Kachel
  • Autor: Normand Chaurette,Linda Gaboriau
  • Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Teatro
  • Tamaño del archivo: 13 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 253 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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